Test email from SharePoint using PowerShell


The following PowerShell script was written for my post on configuring TLS between SharePoint and Exchange. However, since it was buried in process, I wanted to create a separate post just sharing the script, because it will be easier to maintain and use separately when needed.

Why use a script anyway?

I find this script very useful when testing mail flow from Sharepoint since it uses the “SPUtility::SendEmail” API , sends mail, captures the correct logs and presents them by launching notepad, all from a single server.

The Script:


As you can see below the script will ask for input and you will specify the SPWeb url, E-Mail recipient, E-Mail Subject and E-Mail Body. If you enter the SP Web url incorrectly, it will keep asking. Also, if the e-mail is not sent, you will be notified on screen and NOTEPAD will pop-up with the associated ULS logs.

I hope you find this useful and thanks for reading!



  1. Hello

    I’ve got a problem with my Shrapoint 2019 (on premise), and it’s outgoing mail function.
    I need SP2019 site, sends mail to a Zimbra-MTA that requires authentication and TLS encryption, and expecting smtp connection via port:587. So I put these parameters in Sharepoint Central Administration (in Outgoing Mail config page). I also set the application credential key stuff. And I have used your script.
    But that is the main problem I got, in the log.csv:
    “The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure”
    So I imported the self-signed CA certificate into Trusted Root Certification Authorities, on the Sharepoint Server. But I continue to receive that error, all the time.

    Could you give me a clue?

    Thanks in advance.


    1. It’s definitely a cert issue. Make sure you install the cert of the SMTP server in the trusted root authority on each sp server. Also check out CAPI2 logging.. this may help.


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