How to install the latest SPO PowerShell Module


It’s a good practice to ensure the latest version of the SharePoint Online Module is installed, because it’s constantly being updated with new and improved features.

I’m just sharing a quick PowerShell script that ensures the latest SharePoint online PowerShell module is installed.

There 2 different ways to install this module.

  1. Download and install using Windows installer from
  2. Install from the PowerShell Gallery “Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

If you don’t know what version or which method was used to install the SharePoint Online PowerShell module, this script is for you.

The Script

What does the script do?

  1. If the Windows installer version is installed, uninstall it.
  2. If the PowerShell Gallery version is installed, uninstall it.
  3. Install the latest version SharePoint Online Module from the PowerShell Gallery.

More Information

The following sites are a great starting point to learn more about the SharePoint Online PowerShell module.

Intro to SharePoint Online Management Shell | Microsoft Learn

Get started with the SharePoint Online Management Shell | Microsoft Learn

Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Module | Microsoft Learn

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