Configure SharePoint APPs from PowerShell


This blogs details how to completely configure a SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Farm to use SharePoint Apps from PowerShell. When necessary, I will show the equivalent GUI steps.

Note: Many of these steps apply to all version of SharePoint Server except for the certificate creation steps.


1. Configure DNS with a zone and wildcard binding.

Ping a radon name to verify it works.

2. Create a new wildcard SSL certificate from SharePoint.

3. Sign the Cert from the Certificate Authority.
4. Import the certificate from SharePoint and extend web application

Note: Do not use a host header for the app site.

5. Enable SupportMultipleAppDomains

6. Configure the Subscription Settings and App Management service applications (if they don’t already exist)

7. Specify the app domain and app prefix



GUI Equivalent:

8. Enable the “Apps that require accessible internet facing endpoints” feature.

GUI Equivalent:

Via GUI:

  1. In Central Administration, click Application Management.
  2. On the Application Management page, click Manage Web applications.
  3. On the Manage Web Applications page, select the web application that you want to change.
  4. On the ribbon, click Manage Features.
  5. In the feature list, next to Apps that require accessible internet facing endpoints, click Activate.
  6. Click OK.

9. Set the Correct Endpoint for Store Apps

10. Allow AppInv page to be iframed per KB5005546

Public Microsoft Document

Configure an environment for apps for SharePoint Server – SharePoint Server | Microsoft Docs

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